Monday, 30 June 2008

Stena Drilling launches 2nd of 4 state-of-the-art drillships

Stena Drilling Ltd. announced the naming of its second, of four, state-of-the-art, dual mast, dynamically positioned, ultra deepwater drillships, the ‘Stena Carron’, at Samsung Heavy Industries’ shipyard in Geoje, South Korea.

The drillship was named by Letitia Payne, wife of Dave Payne, VP Drilling and Completions, Global Upstream, Chevron - which will utilise the vessel in a five-year northern European and international drilling campaign.

‘Stena Carron’ is a dual-mast, ultra-deepwater, dynamically-positioned drillship, capable of drilling in water depths of up to 10,000ft and has a total drilling depth of up to 35,000ft. This technologically advanced drilling rig is designed to offer maximum safety and operational efficiency in mild and harsh environments, faster transit speed between locations and greater deck load, to accommodate more equipment.

Tom Welo, Managing Director of Stena Drilling said: “We are delighted to witness the launch of Stena Carron; a magnificent drilling unit designed with the highest capabilities to manage Chevron’s harsh environment and ultra-deepwater drilling campaigns. Our success in the delivery and current operation of Stena Carron’s sister ship, Stena DrillMAX, sets an encouraging precedent and gives us all a great sense of confidence”.

Awareness on safety & training

Important issues came up for consideration at the recent meetings of the various committees of the International Maritime Organisation. India made a strong bid to bring in several constructive changes especially with regard to STCW convention and the maritime safety. In order to bring people of the trade up to date on the decisions taken an Awareness Seminar was organised at the MTI auditorium of the Shipping Corporation of India, Powai, Mumbai, on June 21, 2008.

Mr. Dilip Mehrotra, Deputy Chief Surveyor with the Government of India head of the delegation presented a broad outline about the amendments that were made and other issues that came up for discussion. He explained why the STCW needed to be updated and what was the final outcome.

The amendments on training were presented by Capt M. C. Yadav, Director (Training) of FOSMA. He informed that the major concern of the member countries was with regard some seafarers who were possessing fraudulent certificates. The 27 countries representing the European Union insisted that the certificates be endorsed and attested by the flag states. India desired that in the event of any detection of fraudulent certificates the flag state should be informed. This proposal was accepted.

Capt Yadav informed that a review of the principles for establishing the safe manning levels of ships would be undertaken but there was no likelihood of any major change being effected. On the offshore side the certification of tugs, dredgers, workboat, etc. was proposed and it has been agreed that competency standards would be fixed for electrical, electronic, electro technical officers and taken up at the next meeting. He also mentioned that Model Training courses with regard LNG, ship ballast water, communication & leadership skills, fatigue prevention, mitigation and management, ship sanitation, marine environment awareness and on security matter were on the anvil.

A major issue that came up for discussion was consumption of alcohol and drugs. Since the ship was not only a work place but also a home for the seafarers, countries insisted that alcohol consumption not be banned however, drugs have been banned.

Mr. Rajeev Nayyar, Head Sales and Purchases of Essar Shipping gave the outcome of the proceedings on the Safe Manning Document. He referred to the resolution A 890 (21) with regard to safe manning and the paper that was submitted for review. It was felt that the goal based proposal was preferred rather than being restrictive. Eventually it was decided that a framework be developed for safe manning. A working group was set up for this purpose in which India has a representation.

There was an agreement on two levels of training to familiarise candidates in oil and chemical tankers and another for gas tankers. It was also accepted that advance fire fighting should not be mandatory as was suggested by India. Another approval that received acceptance was the certification at support level approved for sea service in engine room and deck side.

Next was a brief on the review of STW 39. Capt K. N. Deboo, Principal of Anglo Eastern Maritime Training spoke about the review of Chapter IV, V and VII that took place. He informed that a debate ensued on whether electronic or electro-tech personnel training requirement be included in Chapter III and Chapter IV. The august body decided that training requirement for Electronic officer be included as a separate section in Chapter III and familiarisation training in Section B-1/14.

Capt M. M. Saggi, Nautical Adviser to the Government of India who chaired the session on maritime safety gave a brief on what the IMO role was and how the different convention took shape. He also indicted the function of the apex body and how they committees operated.

Bringing into focus the human element on ISO code, Mr. A. Banerjee, P. O. cum Jt. D. G. pointed out that the major principles laid down involves the entire spectrum of human activities performed by ship’s crew, shore based management and regulatory bodies, ship owners, etc.

He said the recent Maritime Safety Committee meeting noted that seafarers were afraid to lose their jobs if they raised issues of safety concern. Hence it was agreed that a seafarer’s representative would be selected or elected who could be a crew member and will not be subject to dismissal or adverse action. On another aspect of safety it was agreed that if a ship’s safety management certificate expired it would be given 3 months extension. In a move to enhance safety it was decided that internal audit be carried out on board annually and this be documented. A contentious proposition was made by the International Chambers of Shipping and it was that every body has to have a generic tanker familiarisation course before he has anything to do with a tanker.

Capt J. S. Uppal, Deputy Nautical Adviser, Government of India made a presentation on the Implementation of the Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT). He informed that this would start from 1st January 2009 from the DGS office in Mumbai. He explained on how it operated and that it would apply for all vessels. India would have its own National Data Centre and a Regional Data Centre.

On the side of the industry Capt K. S. Nair, Sr. Vice President, SCI talked on the “Industry’s concern on Implementation of LRIT”. He gave an update about how various countries were expected to implement it and what the implication would be if countries failed to do so.

The seminar gave an opportunity to the India’s representative on the IMO to interact and get the opinion of the trade. Accordingly, they would be taking up the issue in the right perspective at the IMO.

Vacancies for the week: June 30, 2008

Hind Offshore
Class I & II Marine Engineer
Accommodation Barge/Rig Drillship
Masters, Safety Officers, Radio Off, Electrical Eng, Class IV Marine Engineers

Star Maritime Services
Aframax Crude Oil Tanker
2nd Officer, 3rd Officer
Product/ Chemical Tanker:
Chief Officer, 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, Electrical Off, Pumpman / Fitter, Motorman, AB
Panamax /Handymax Bulk Carrier:
Chief Officer , 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Engineer & Electrical Officer
Tel: +91-022- 67254402

Naavex Marine Services
Offshore Supply Vessel AHTS/ DSV/ WLV:
Masters, Chief Offs, ETO, Jr. ETO, Bosun & Cooks
Tel: +91-022-26736611/ 55

Noha Marine Services
Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer,3rd Officer, Electrical Officer
Tel: +91-022-65167065/ 63

The Great Eastern Shipping Co. Ltd
Suezmax Tankers: Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & Electrical Off
LPG Vessel: Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Engineer, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, Electrical Off
Crude & Product Tankers: Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng, Electrical Off
Handymax & Capesize: Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng, Electrical Off
Tel: +91-022-66613113 email:

Great Offshore
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, NWKO, Senior DPO, Junior DPO (Off with valid CoC (FG/NCV/CoS), Indian GMDSS can apply.
Chief Eng, 2nd Eng Class IV Eng, Electrical Off, Electronic Off (Officers with MOT/NCV/CoS can apply)
Tel: +91-022-6635244/ 2145/ 2147

Oceanic Venture Shipping Pvt. Ltd
For Gulf Based 34000 Tonner General Cargo
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng, Deck Cadet, Electrician, Cook, GS, UH, Welder, Fitter, Wiper, Bosun, AB, OS, Motorman, Oiler, TME
New Built Product & Chemical Tanker (French Owner)
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off , Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & Electrical Officer, TME, Deck Cadet
For Indian Coast Dredgers, Bulk Carriers, Cointainers
All Ranks (FG / NCV)
Mr. A.L Thomas +91-986934022

Five Star Bulk Carriers Pvt. Ltd
Panamax & Handysize Bulk Carrier:
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Eng, 4th Eng
Tel: +91-022-40004000

Geepee Shipping Agencies Pvt. Ltd
Handy Size & Bulk Carriers:
Chief Off, Chief Eng
2nd Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, 3rd Eng
Panama Flag Vessel:
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & 3rd Eng
Tel: +91-022-22873574/ 77/ 87

Bibby International Services
ForVLCC, Chemical:
All ranks requires
Chemical, Product, Crude & Oil Tankers:
Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer
Cruise Line:
3rd Engineer & 4th Engineer
Tel: +91-022-26732628

Tanker Pacific Management (India) Pvt. Ltd
Masters, Chief Eng, Chief Offs, 1st Asst. Engs, 2nd Off & 3rd Off (Engs with Steam Ship Exp)
Tel: +91-022- 26515995/ 26415757

Zodiac Maritime Agencies (London)
For Container Vessel:
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Ens, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Asst Engineer, Electrical Off
Bulk Carrier 45vsls(mostly Cape size):
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Asst Engr,
For Car Carrier:
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Ens, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Asst Engineer,
For Chemical Tanker:
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Asst Engineer
Tel: +91-022-26515995/ 6415757

Exmar Shipmanagement India Pvt. Ltd
Ref.LPG Fleet:
2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng,2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng
Electrical Officer
Tel: +91-022-22640226/ 27/ 28

Wallem Shipmanagement Ltd (Hongkong)
Container, Bulk, PCC, Reefer
Chief Eng, Chief Off, 2nd Off, Reefer Eng, Electrical Eng
Tel: +91-022-40432346

Fleet Management Ltd
Bulk Carrier/ Reefers/ Cellular Cointainer/ RORO Ship/ Chemical/ Gas/Product Tankers
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng, Electrical Off, Gas Eng, Reefer Eng, Chief Cook, Pumpman/ Fitters
Tel: +91-022-67926100

Pentagon Marine Services Pvt. Ltd
Chemical Vessel:
Masters, C/O, 2/O, 3/O, Electrical Officer (for Conventional & Diesel Electric Propulsion Tanker) Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & ELO
Petro Chemical Tankers
C/E, 2/E, 2nd Off, 3/O, E/O, Pumpman, Fitter, AB, Chief Cook, Messman
For Aframax Tanker
Master, Chief Eng & Other Crew
For Bulk Carrier
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, ELO, Fitter (Rank Exp)
For Dredger
Officers of All Ranks
Panama Flag Vessel General Cargo:
Chief Off, 2nd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng, ELO, AB, Oiler
Bunker Supply Vessel:
All Officers / Pumpman
Tel: +91-022-22620094

Cenmar Maritime Agencies
2nd Officer & 2nd Engineer
Tel: +91-022-22022278/ 79

Safe & Sure Marine Services
Marine Superintendent
(Master Mariner)
Tel: +91-9967188886

Dynacom Tankers Management Limited
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, Ad. Chief Off, 3rd Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, 4th Eng, Electrical Off
Tel: 022-2834 7349/ 2834 7294

Crew Management Services (India) Pvt. Ltd
Chemical/ Aframax & Product Tankers
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng (with Petroleum + Chemical DCE)
Panamax Type Geared & Gearless Bulk Carriers & Mega Cointainers
Master, C/O, 2/O, 3/O, C/E, 2/E, 3/E, 4/E, E/O
Mini Bulk Carriers
Master, C/O, 2/O, Radio Off, C/E, 2/E, 3/E
Tel: +91-022-67041250/ 1251
email: &

Chellaram Shipping (Hongkong)
Chief Eng, Chief Off, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, Electrical Off
Tel: +91-022-22070035/ 66357345

Vigil Marine Services
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, Electrical Off,
Junior Eng
Naval Architects
VLCC/ Tankers (U.A.E)
Marine Superintendents
Shore Job in Mumbai
2nd Eng, 3rd Eng
Golden Crown Shipping
C/O, 3/O, 3/E
Tel +91-022-6630 3909/ 10
email: &

World Tankers Management Pte. Ltd
Oil Tankers
Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, Pumpman, Oiler
Tel: +91-022-22842860

Orient Ship Management Pvt. Ltd
Tanker & Bulk Carriers
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng & Electrical Off
Tel: +91 – 9322287363
email: &

Orient Express Ship Management
LNG Vessel & Chemical Tankers
Masters, Chief Off, 2nd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & 3rd Eng
Container Vessels
Chief Off, 2nd Officer
Tel: +91-022-67536200

Seahorse Ship Agencies
Reefer Vessel
Masters/ Chief Engineers
Large Size Container Vessel
Tel: +91- 022- 22691837

Ofer Ships Management India Pvt. Ltd
Container & Bulk Carriers
Masters, Chief Engs, Chief Offs,1st Asst Eng, 2nd Off, 2nd Asst Eng, 3rd Off, 3rd Asst Eng & Electrical Off
Tel: +91-022-67701461

Oceana Mhatre Ship Management
For Cruise Liner Ship Merchant Navyat I.T.FCo
Electrician, Welder, Plumber, Messboy, Deck & Engine Cadets, Seaman, Oiler, Fitter, Cooks, Utility Boy, Steward, Cooks, Laundry Boy, Barker all categories
Tel: +91 93222 34394/
93239 24126

OCS Services Group
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Off & ELO
FPSO (urgently required)
Chief Off, 2nd Eng (Urgent with Steam COC), 3rd Engineer, Electrician Hvac
Aframax Tanker:
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, 2nd Eng & ELO
Panamax Bulk Carriers:
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off , 3rd Eng & 4th Eng
Master, Chief Eng
Chemical, Oil & Product Tanker:
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, ELO
Tel:+91-022-26744447/ 48/ 49

Product & Aframax Tankers
Masters- 3 Nos (wages upto 9500 USD)
Chief Off- 2 Nos (Wages upto 6900 USD)
Bulk Carriers
Chief Off- 2 Nos (Wages upto 5400 USD)
Tel: +91-022-66950894

IMS Ship Management Pvt. Ltd
Oil/ Chemical Tankers
Masters, Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng, ETO
Oil Tankers
Masters, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, ETO
Tel: +91-022-22830415

V Ships
All Ranks
Chemical Tankers
All Ranks (New Yard Building)
Bulk Carriers
2nd Eng & 3rd Eng
Tel: +91-022-40013300/ 3393

Univan Ship Management Ltd
Master, Chief Engineer, Electrical Officer
Suezmax Crude Oil Tankers
Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer
Bulk Carriers
Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Officer, Electrical Officer (With Crane Experience)
Chemical Tankers
Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Engineer, 4th Engineer, Electrical Officer
Tel: +91-022-66888000

d’Amico Ships (India) Pvt. Ltd
Product & Chemical
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & Electrical Off
Bulk Carrier
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng & Electrical Off
Product & Chemical
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & Electrical Off
Container Carrier
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng & Electrical Off
Tel: +91-022-4037 2222/ 2823 4990

Teekay Shipping (India) Pvt. Ltd
Aframax, Crude & Product Tankers
Master, Chief Officer, 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer,
Tel: +91-022- 66324730/ 31/32/33

International Andromeda Shipping
Chief Engineer
Tel: +91-22-26845850/80/48/68

BW Shipping Managers Pte. Ltd
2nd Off, 2nd Eng (Steam) 2nd Eng (Motor), 3rd Eng (Steam) & 3rd Eng (Motor)/ Crane Operator

NYK Ship Management
Master & Electrical Engineer
Tanker/ Product / Chemical
Chief Off, 2nd Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Eng, 3rd Off & Electrical Eng
Chief Off, 2nd Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Eng & 3rd Off
Pure Car Carrier
Chief Eng, Chief Off, 2nd Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Eng & 3rd Off
Chief Off, 2nd Eng & Electrical Off
Tel: 022-2839270

Qatar Shipping Company Q.S.C
LPG Tanker Fleet
Master, Chief Engineer, Chief Off & 2nd Eng
Oil/ Product Tanker Fleet
Master, Chief Engineer, Chief Off, 2nd Eng, 3rd Officer, 4th Eng, Electrical Officer
Tel: 022-22696679

Anglo Eastern Ship Mgmt Ltd
Oil/ Chemical/ LPG Carrier
All Officers & Engineers
Tel: 022-66670180

Chevron Manning Service Ltd
Oil & Gas Tanker
2nd Officer, 3rd Officer, 2nd Asst. Engineer, 3rd Asst. Engineer & Electricians
Tel 022- 67515226/ 286/ 232

Seahorse Ship Agencies Pvt. Ltd
Reefer Vessel
Masters & Chief Engineer
Large Size Container Vessel
Tel: 022-226914837

Maersk India Pvt. Ltd
All Ranks
Tel: 022-66538295/ 97

BHN Shipping Co. Pvt. Ltd
Master, Chief Officer, 2nd Officer, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Engineer, Radio Officer, Handler, Electrical Officer, Bosun, AB, Oiler
Tel: 022-40027861

Northern Marine
3rd Engineer, 2nd Officer DPO, Trainee DPO
Tel: 022-67515300

Dockendale Shipping Co.Ltd
General Cargo/ Modern Bulk Carriers
Master, Chief Officer, 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 4th Engineer & Electrical Officer
Tel: 022-66942191

Best Regards
For Shipping Today E-paper (exact replica of the magazine)

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Seascapes - Container shipping - logistic liners

Containers are the most obvious elements of international shipping; they are seen everywhere; trundling along the motorway, in the factory loading bay and stacked on specialist trains. But containers were the units which became the common factor in a revolution which spread across the world of cargo liner shipping in the 1960s and 1970s and totally changed the face of the maritime industry.

Containerships were technology's answer to the problem of long stays in port as cargo - packed in bales, barrels, crates, boxes and loose, was slowly loaded and unloaded in lower holds and tweendecks using gangs of dozens of dockers. It was not uncommon for a typical 15,000 ton cargo liner to spend 170 days each year in port and a ship in the Australasian trades could spend two months on the coast, after a month's voyage from Europe. This was inefficiency which encouraged innovation. The container revolution effectively abolished all the expensive and time-consuming handling that was done to goods, in and out of lorries, trains and warehouses. Loaded into a 20 ft. or 40 ft. container at the point of origin and sealed, the goods will not be seen again until they are delivered to their final destination. To handle the containers and speed them on their way, a whole logistic system has been developed from specialist road and rail transport, ground handling equipment, like straddle carriers and huge gantry cranes in the port terminals. And of course, the remarkable ships themselves.

The biggest deep sea ships today are able to carry nearly a staggering 7,000 twenty foot equivalent units (the TEU being a universal measurement of containerisation), slotted into racks in the holds of the ship and stacked up to five high on deck. The ships themselves are fast, 25 knots not being unusual, but most importantly, they are far more precise and hugely more productive than their conventional predecessors. They will typically sail on a set hour on the same day of a week, often meeting trains which will on-carry the containers, so that consignees miles inland will be able to depend upon same-day delivery in a way that has never been possible before. This reliability makes it possible for manufacturers or retailers to greatly reduce the amount of stocks they are forced to carry, which saves substantial sums.

Large container ships tend to minimise their port calls, restricting them to "hub" ports along their route, the containers being distributed to other regional ports by smaller feeder ships. A single shore gantry crane can handle from 20-30 lifts per hour, so port calls are generally measured in hours rather than days.

Container shipping is a high technology, capital intensive operation, with heavy reliance on IT; computers being used to plan the stowage, to minimise handling of containers. The most modern container terminals now use a high degree of automation for movement of boxes from the shore container stack to the ship's side. Recent years have seen containership sizes react to scale economies, with the "1st generation" ships of 1,200 TEU having now grown to an average in excess of 5,000 TEU on the deep sea trades. Giants of 10,000 TEU plus are now being planned.


Seascapes- Composite construction

Shipbuilding materials have “evolved” over the centuries, as technology has advanced. Wood gave way to iron, because of the strength it offered, and the increased internal capacity of a ship of similar dimensions. Steel provided still greater strength, and opportunities for an extrapolation in ship sizes. The aluminium found in fast ferry construction and in the superstructure of giant cruise vessels combine strength with lightness, where the weight of steel would give either increased fuel consumption, or stability problems. Glass reinforced plastics, the first of the composites, found a role in leisure craft and in certain naval vessels like minesweepers, where the magnetic signature needed to be minimised.
Composites have developed hugely in recent years, man-made materials which can literally be developed to produce certain desired characteristics. The modern airliner looks outwardly like its aluminium predecessor, but very large parts of it are of composite construction, where great strength and lightness can be programmed into a building material. The wings of the giant, double decked, new Airbus A 380 are, for instance, almost entirely constructed of composites. The re-usable fuel tanks of the space shuttles, which are designed to withstand enormous heat and strong enough to withstand an impact with the sea after falling several miles, are of composite, where no steel could cope with such punishment. Whatever characteristic - strength, thinness, lightness, ductility, rigidity, malleability, heat or cold resistance is required, a composite can be fashioned to provide it.
To date the maritime world, probably because of the cost of working with these new materials, has barely been touched by composites. Naval architects have explored their possibilities for some years, but mainly in the context of racing yachts, and modern Americas Cup craft will be almost entirely constructed of Kevlar and other artificial composite materials, where lightness and strength will be combined.
Warship builders are becoming increasingly interested in composite structures and materials, notably for fast craft, where the qualities of lightness and ability to withstand punishment are seen to be interesting. Armour plate, which disappeared with the demise of the battleship, is being once again investigated.
Enthusiasts for composites suggest that while the commercial maritime world may not be quite ready for a composite ship, there are attractions in using these materials for certain parts of the vessel. Bulker hatch covers, which have to be made immensely strong to withstand wave loadings and are thus increasingly massive and heavy, could provide the same strength at a fraction of the weight. Areas of the ship which were prone to damage from the sea, notably in the forepart of a ship could be reinforced by composites. And the cost of composites is on a downward slope, which could make this material more attractive to ship designers in the not so distant future.


Seascapes - Who regulate ships?

Every ship must fly the flag of the country in which she is registered and carry the name of her port of registry upon the stern. It is the vessel's most visible identity. Ships are built and operated to comply with national maritime laws which are enforced by the maritime administration of their flag state. But shipping is an international industry; ships travel abroad and it would be ridiculous to have different laws applying to ships in every country at which they call. So there is an international regime applying to shipping and their flag states subscribe to certain international treaties which are chiefly concerned with safety, pollution prevention and the conditions aboard ship.An arm of the United Nations ; the International Maritime Organisation, is the principal body which generates and maintains regulations which apply to shipping , and virtually all nations which operate any shipping are members of IMO. The London-based organisation is responsible for a number of international conventions , such as the Safety of Life at Sea Convention , and the member nations undertake to translate these into their own national law and apply them to their own shipping. Therefore the same regulations will be implemented, as international shipping trades around the world. Most countries will have a government survey service to ensure that the laws are being properly applied.BIMCO is a non-governmental member of the IMO and plays a full part in its work. As BIMCO members own and operate a large tonnage of shipping , it is well placed to offer a practical input into many of the issues which are currently being raised as new regulations are being suggested, and existing rules amended.Although it is flag states which have the main obligation to regulate shipping which flies their flag , governments have certain rights over foreign ships which come into their ports. They exercise these under Port State Control Treaties, which may be regional agreements to ensure that visiting ships comply with international regulations.Thus under the Paris Memorandum on port state control , countries of the European region permit port state inspectors to board and inspect visiting ships, sharing information about what they find throughout a European maritime network. There are similar regional agreements in other parts of the world. They hope this way that sub-standard ships will be detected, and if necessary detained, because implicit in the port state control treaties are the rights to enforce compliance with international law , and of detention.Governments sometimes delegate powers of ship inspection and survey to other bodies, which then become regulators in their own right, issuing certificates in the name of the maritime administration of the flag state. Classification societies, which are primarily technical rulemaking and auditing bodies, often fulfil this role.Although almost all of the regulatory regime surrounds the design, construction and operation of the ship, along with the qualifications of those who will man her, the shipowner and manager now have to be qualified and inspected to fulfil this role under the International Safety Management Code . It is, some have suggested, a license to operate ships and completes this regulatory circle which surrounds and protects the ship.


Seascapes-World Fleet Ownership

Ownership of vessels is a concept hedged with complexities. We may think about the beneficial ownership of a ship; the company or individuals who derive the financial benefit from the operation of the ship. This may well be different to the nominal ownership , which may be a "brass plate" located in a convenient country where the ship register is open. Thus the United States, the world's biggest trading nation, "controls" the biggest merchant of merchant vessels, but most of those ships have their "nationality" elsewhere, being registered in Panama, Liberia, Bahamas or some other open register.The pattern of ship ownership has greatly changed in the past thirty or forty years. In the 1960s and 70s, the "traditional" maritime countries, which tended to be the industrialised and trading nations, owned and operated the lion's share of the world fleet. Then, over a relatively short period and during an era when the shipping industry was suffering prolonged recession, the fleets of these nations were "flagged out" to the open registers, where they could continue to compete with cheaper operating costs, largely caused by the cheaper crews their owners were able to employ.Thus between 1957 and 1997 Liberia saw its fleet increase from about 7 million tons to more than 80 million tons, while the UK saw its decrease in the same period from more than 20 million tons to less than 6 million.With regard to the companies which are involved in ship ownership and operating , this has been described as a "room with two doors" with people entering and leaving, but with roughly the same number of people in the room at any one time. Shipping as an industry is traditionally regarded relatively easy to join; with ship ownership divisible among large numbers of investors. Admittedly some types of shipping , such as passenger shipping or that involving very expensive or sophisticated ships, are difficult to enter.Today the shipping industry, which has been fragmented among this vast number of different owners, is undergoing a period of consolidation, with mergers and acquisitions being the order of the day. This itself is a phase that has been seen before, as the whole process is somewhat cyclical, nevertheless what we are seeing today is the emergence of a smaller number of very large companies, that will be in a better position to defend freight rates, and withstand the "divide and rule" policies of the charterers or the "users" of ships.Very large companies, like Maersk-Sealand on the container front, or P&O -Princess in the passenger liners or tanker owners Frontline - or V.Ships in ship management, stand to gain from scale economies in everything from the buying of fuel or stores to the purchase of ships themselves. They are described as the "mega" shipping companies and it is suggested that fewer, larger shipping companies are the future of the industry. It may well be the case that these large lines have a period of domination, but shipping history informs us that there will always be new entrants to the industry, from modest beginnings, who operate in niche markets, supplying shipping services to marginal trades that the giants do not bother with. And if world trade continues to grow , they hopefully will grow with it.


Monday, 23 June 2008

ODC forced to take the tortuous route

With the economic boom lot of mega projects are being set up and many others in the pipeline. These projects depend on massive imports including turbines, huge plate mill and presses, naphtha cracker units, reactors, crusher plants, etc. All these being heavy lift cargo of over-dimensional sizes have to be transported by road to the project site in the hinterland after being unloaded at the port concerned. Considering the prevailing infrastructure in India and there being no common regulatory authority nor any specific laws guiding the movement of heavy lift cargo. It calls for a lot of expertise, presence of mind, and innovativeness on the part of the operator to overcome the myriad hurdles that are faced until they reach the destination.

Unfortunately the road is littered with corrupt practices, procedural delays, obstacles poor road condition and lack of infrastructure, the past few years have seen several operators entering the field to grab a share of the growing pie. As the pie keeps growing more players are entering the fray.

Traditionally called over-dimensional cargo (ODC), it has taken on a wider focus and is also commonly known as project cargo. According to Mr. Nilesh Gandhi, Director, Express Transport Pvt. Ltd., handling project cargo is a professional task requiring technical expertise, an experienced team, and the right people on the job, infrastructure, and hands-on management.

Mr Pawan Agarwal, Director of India based MFC Transport Pvt. Ltd. says “There is not much competition in this field. This is because most of the time operators find that it is not practical or feasible to handle such heavy cargo. Considering the constraints one has to operate within and the distress and the disappointment that we have to put up with having to deal with the bureaucracy, no one wants to get into this field.”

Transporting ODC is a long drawn-out process according to Mr Lawrence Fernandes, National Manager – Industrial Projects Operations of Hindustan Cargo Ltd., which has handled imports of lube reactors, generators, rotors and large size equipment for ABB, NTPC, IOL, HPCL etc. Most of the bridges in India are not standardised with overhead clearance that could range between 19 to 24 feet, he points out. Few bridges can take a load of over 150 metric tons. Much time is lost in acquiring permission from several different authorities.

“We have to do a dry run before undertaking any ODC transport,” says Mr. Fernandes. “PWD permission is necessary for cutting telephone wires. If high tension wires or any other such electrical wiring has to be removed to make way, then we need to approach the Electric department. If the power lines are connected to the National grid then we have to approach the proper authorities in the Government informing them about the time that will be required to undertake the crossing. If the cargo has to be moved over railway crossings over which trains like the Rajdhani travels, the train tracks and over head wire have to be removed.

“We have to ensure that the costing is correct; otherwise we could end up losing money and suffer,” says Mr Gandhi. “When we suffer our customers suffers as well. Hence, it is important that every aspect is crossed-checked and examined thoroughly, debated, questioned and surveyed. For instance, just because someone has been able to transport an over-dimensional package of say 6 metres, it does not always follow that one can transport a 6.1 metre package.”

Project transportation would include shutdown of power lines, shutdown of telephone lines, strengthening of bypasses and bridges, other obstacles such as trees or wires and other hurdles coming in the way may have to be removed or it may involve dismantling a railway crossing. In cities many islands at road crossings often have to be removed and rebuilt after the ODC has passed.

“Some bridges may be weak and we may have to strengthen them. Alternatively, an alternate route being longer would involve higher diesel consumption. The detour may also involve constructing a bypass. A river crossing would mean taking permission from the Inland Waterways Authority to build a jetty and seek permission from the local authorities for the crossing with the use of pontoons.”

Mr. Shivraj Tiwari, Manager for Logistics Operation of Premier Transport says, “Transport of very heavy consignments is done by hydraulic-axle trailers using prime movers with high engine capacity. Depending on the weight of the cargo multi-pullers are employed especially on gradients. There is no limit to the weight of the cargo that should be carried since by using hydraulic trailers with multiple axles the weight can accordingly be divided. Cranes and other heavy lift equipment are available with us in case of necessity. We carry metal sheet ramps for use in places where the trailer has to pass over soft terrain. But many operators prefer to hire out the equipment rather than owning them.”

There is a need for a standard procedure for ODC. “In Gujarat a high cube container at one point of time was not treated as standard cargo and was subjected to fines,” says Mr. Gandhi. “So if high cube cargo is treated as non standard cargo how does one move project cargo. All procedures are made to function according to the whims and fancies of the officers seated at different points and they are the law because there are no set rules and regulations in place.”

Today for example, Gujarat has a ridiculous law that if transporters use a crawler crane within the state – which would normally be used in private premises like a project, the authorities force such crawler crane (which do not have a registration number) owners, users and operators to pay an RTO tax. If it is not going to ply on a public road what are the grounds for its registration with the RTO. In short, when it comes to transporting ODCs every state is exploiting the public. Even if someone comes forward to pay the tax voluntarily he is made to cough up the tax for the past three years without any justification. Besides he is told that taxes and penalties are extra. So there cannot be a defined project cost.

Most agree that the government is the real reason for creating a nightmare for project cargo because every district and every state has its own procedures for the transportation of ODC cargo. The authorities need to wake up to the reality and bring in some consistency if the economic boom is to continue.

Vacancies for the week: June 23, 2008

Hind Offshore
Class I & II Marine Engineer
Accommodation Barge/Rig Drillship
Masters, Safety Officers, Radio Off, Electrical Eng, Class IV Marine Engineers

Star Maritime Services
Aframax Crude Oil Tanker
2nd Officer, 3rd Officer
Product/ Chemical Tanker:
Chief Officer, 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, Electrical Off, Pumpman / Fitter, Motorman, AB
Panamax /Handymax Bulk Carrier:
Chief Officer , 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Engineer & Electrical Officer
Tel: +91-022- 67254402

Naavex Marine Services
Offshore Supply Vessel AHTS/ DSV/ WLV:
Masters, Chief Offs, ETO, Jr. ETO, Bosun & Cooks
Tel: +91-022-26736611/ 55

Noha Marine Services
Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer,3rd Officer, Electrical Officer
Tel: +91-022-65167065/ 63

The Great Eastern Shipping Co. Ltd
Suezmax Tankers : Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & Electrical Off
LPG Vessel: Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Engineer, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, Electrical Off
Crude & Product Tankers: Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng, Electrical Off
Handymax & Capesize: Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng, Electrical Off
Tel: +91-022-66613113

Great Offshore
MSV/FFSV/AHTSV/PSV/OSV: Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, NWKO, Senior DPO, Junior DPO (Off with valid CoC (FG/NCV/CoS), Indian GMDSS can apply.
Chief Eng, 2nd Eng Class IV Eng, Electrical Off, Electronic Off (Officers with MOT/NCV/CoS can apply)
Tel: +91-022-6635244/ 2145/ 2147
Oceanic Venture Shipping Pvt. Ltd
For Gulf Based 34000 Tonner General Cargo
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng, Deck Cadet, Electrician, Cook, GS, UH, Welder, Fitter, Wiper, Bosun, AB, OS, Motorman, Oiler, TME
New Built Product & Chemical Tanker (French Owner)
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off , Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & Electrical Officer, TME, Deck Cadet
For Indian Coast Dredgers, Bulk Carriers, Cointainers
All Ranks (FG / NCV)
Mr. A.L Thomas +91-986934022

Five Star Bulk Carriers Pvt. Ltd
Panamax & Handysize Bulk Carrier: Master, Chief Off, 2nd Eng, 4th Eng
Tel: +91-022-40004000

Geepee Shipping Agencies Pvt. Ltd
Handy Size & Bulk Carriers: Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, 3rd Eng
Panama Flag Vessel: Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & 3rd Eng
Tel: +91-022-22873574/ 77/ 87

Bibby International Services
ForVLCC, Chemica, RORO: All ranks requires
AHTS DP-I&II(MSV, PSV, DSV): Master, Chief Mate, 2nd Mate, Master DPO, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Engineer, Electrician, Electrical Officer
For Drillships: Chief Engineer,2nd Engineer, & 3rd Engineer (Non Offshore Background)
Tel: +91-022-26732628

Tanker Pacific Management (India) Pvt. Ltd
Masters, Chief Eng, Chief Offs, 1st Asst. Engs, 2nd Off & 3rd Off (Engs with Steam Ship Exp)
Tel: +91-022- 26515995/ 26415757

Zodiac Maritime Agencies (London)
For Container Vessel:
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Ens, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Asst Engineer, Electrical Off
Bulk Carrier 45vsls(mostly Cape size):
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Asst Engr,
For Car Carrier:
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Ens, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Asst Engineer,
For Chemical Tanker:
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Asst Engineer
Tel: +91-022-26515995/ 6415757

Exmar Shipmanagement India Pvt. Ltd
Ref.LPG Fleet:
2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng,2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng
Electrical Officer
Tel: +91-022-22640226/ 27/ 28

Wallem Shipmanagement Ltd (Hongkong)
Masters, C/O, 2/O, 3/O, C/E, 2/E & E/E
Dry Cargo/ Container/ Bulker/ PCC/ Reefer
Masters, C/O, 2/O, 3/O, C/E, 2/E, E/E & REEFER ENGINEER
Tel: +91-022-40432346

Fleet Management Ltd
Bulk Carrier/ Reefers/ Cellular Cointainer/ RORO Ship/ Chemical/ Gas/Product Tankers
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng, Electrical Off, Gas Eng, Reefer Eng, Chief Cook, Pumpman/ Fitters
Tel: +91-022-67926100

Pentagon Marine Services Pvt. Ltd
Chemical Vessel:
Masters, C/O, 2/O, 3/O, Electrical Officer (for Conventional & Diesel Electric Propulsion Tanker) Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & ELO
Petro Chemical Tankers
C/E, 2/E, 2nd Off, 3/O, E/O, Pumpman, Fitter, AB, Chief Cook, Messman
For Aframax Tanker
Master, Chief Eng & Other Crew
For Bulk Carrier
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, ELO, Fitter (Rank Exp)
For Dredger
Officers of All Ranks
Panama Flag Vessel General Cargo:
Chief Off, 2nd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng, ELO, AB, Oiler
Bunker Supply Vessel:
All Officers / Pumpman
Tel: +91-022-22620094

Cenmar Maritime Agencies
2nd Officer & 2nd Engineer
Tel: +91-022-22022278/ 79
Safe & Sure Marine Services
Marine Superintendent
(Master Mariner)
Tel: +91-9967188886

Dynacom Tankers Management Limited
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, Ad. Chief Off, 3rd Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, 4th Eng, Electrical Off
Tel: 022-2834 7349/ 2834 7294

Crew Management Services (India) Pvt. Ltd
Chemical/ Aframax & Product Tankers
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng (with Petroleum + Chemical DCE)
Panamax Type Geared & Gearless Bulk Carriers & Mega Cointainers
Master, C/O, 2/O, 3/O, C/E, 2/E, 3/E, 4/E, E/O
Mini Bulk Carriers
Master, C/O, 2/O, Radio Off, C/E, 2/E, 3/E
Tel: +91-022-67041250/ 1251
email: /

Chellaram Shipping (Hongkong)
Chief Eng, Chief Off, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, Electrical Off
Tel: +91-022-22070035/ 66357345

Vigil Marine Services
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, Electrical Off,
Junior Eng
Naval Architects
VLCC/ Tankers (U.A.E)
Marine Superintendents
Shore Job in Mumbai
2nd Eng, 3rd Eng
Golden Crown Shipping
C/O, 3/O, 3/E
Tel +91-022-6630 3909/ 10
email: /

World Tankers Management Pte. Ltd
Oil Tankers
Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, Pumpman, Oiler
Tel: +91-022-22842860

Orient Ship Management Pvt. Ltd
Tanker & Bulk Carriers
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng & Electrical Off
Tel: +91 – 9322287363
email: /

Orient Express Ship Management
LNG Vessel & Chemical Tankers
Masters, Chief Off, 2nd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & 3rd Eng
Container Vessels
Chief Off, 2nd Officer
Tel: +91-022-67536200

Seahorse Ship Agencies
Reefer Vessel
Masters/ Chief Engineers
Large Size Container Vessel
Tel: +91- 022- 22691837

Ofer Ships Management India Pvt. Ltd
Container & Bulk Carriers
Masters, Chief Engs, Chief Offs,1st Asst Eng, 2nd Off, 2nd Asst Eng, 3rd Off, 3rd Asst Eng & Electrical Off
Tel: +91-022-67701461

Oceana Mhatre Ship Management
For Cruise Liner Ship Merchant Navyat I.T.FCo
Electrician, Welder, Plumber, Messboy, Deck & Engine Cadets, Seaman, Oiler, Fitter, Cooks, Utility Boy, Steward, Cooks, Laundry Boy, Barker all categories
Tel: +91 93222 34394/ 93239 24126

OCS Services Group
VLCC’s: Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Off & ELO
FPSO (urgently required)
Chief Off, 2nd Eng (Urgent with Steam COC), 3rd Engineer, Electrician Hvac
Aframax Tanker: Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, 2nd Eng & ELO
Panamax Bulk Carriers: Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off , 3rd Eng & 4th Eng
DP FPSO : Master, Chief Eng
Chemical, Oil & Product Tanker: Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng
OSV : Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, ELO
Tel:+91-022-26744447/ 48/ 49

Product & Aframax Tankers
Masters- 3 Nos (wages upto 9500 USD)
Chief Off- 2 Nos (Wages upto 6900 USD)
Bulk Carriers
Chief Off- 2 Nos (Wages upto 5400 USD)
Tel: +91-022-66950894

IMS Ship Management Pvt. Ltd
Oil/ Chemical Tankers
Masters, Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng, ETO
Oil Tankers
Masters, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, ETO
Tel: +91-022-22830415

V Ships
All Ranks
Chemical Tankers
All Ranks (New Yard Building)
Bulk Carriers
2nd Eng & 3rd Eng
Tel: +91-022-40013300/ 3393

Univan Ship Management Ltd
Master, Chief Engineer, Electrical Officer
Suezmax Crude Oil Tankers
Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer
Bulk Carriers
Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Officer, Electrical Officer (With Crane Experience)
Chemical Tankers
Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Engineer, 4th Engineer, Electrical Officer
Tel: +91-022-66888000

d’Amico Ships (India) Pvt. Ltd
Product & Chemical
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & Electrical Off
Bulk Carrier
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng & Electrical Off
Product & Chemical
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & Electrical Off
Container Carrier
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng & Electrical Off
Tel: +91-022-4037 2222/ 2823 4990

Teekay Shipping (India) Pvt. Ltd
Aframax, Crude & Product Tankers
Master, Chief Officer, 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer,
Tel: +91-022- 66324730/ 31/32/33

International Andromeda Shipping
LPG: Chief Engineer
Tel: +91-22-26845850/80/48/68

BW Shipping Managers Pte. Ltd
FPSO/ VLCC : 2nd Off, 2nd Eng (Steam) 2nd Eng (Motor), 3rd Eng (Steam) & 3rd Eng (Motor)/ Crane Operator

NYK Ship Management
LPG: Master & Electrical Engineer
Tanker/ Product / Chemical : Chief Off, 2nd Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Eng, 3rd Off & Electrical Eng
Chief Off, 2nd Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Eng & 3rd Off
Pure Car Carrier: Chief Eng, Chief Off, 2nd Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Eng & 3rd Off
VLCC: Chief Off, 2nd Eng & Electrical Off
Tel: 022-2839270

Qatar Shipping Company Q.S.C
LPG Tanker Fleet
Master, Chief Engineer, Chief Off & 2nd Eng
Oil/ Product Tanker Fleet
Master, Chief Engineer, Chief Off, 2nd Eng, 3rd Officer, 4th Eng, Electrical Officer
Tel: 022-22696679

Anglo Eastern Ship Mgmt Ltd
Oil/ Chemical/ LPG Carrier
All Officers & Engineers
Tel: 022-66670180
Chevron Manning Service Ltd
Oil & Gas Tanker
2nd Officer, 3rd Officer, 2nd Asst. Engineer, 3rd Asst. Engineer & Electricians
Tel 022- 67515226/ 286/ 232

Seahorse Ship Agencies Pvt. Ltd
Reefer Vessel
Masters & Chief Engineer
Large Size Container Vessel
Tel: 022-226914837

Maersk India Pvt. Ltd
All Ranks
Tel: 022-66538295/ 97

BHN Shipping Co. Pvt. Ltd
Master, Chief Officer, 2nd Officer, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Engineer, Radio Officer, Handler, Electrical Officer, Bosun, AB, Oiler
Tel: 022-40027861

Northern Marine
3rd Engineer, 2nd Officer DPO, Trainee DPO
Tel: 022-67515300

Dockendale Shipping Co.Ltd
General Cargo/ Modern Bulk Carriers
Master, Chief Officer, 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 4th Engineer & Electrical Officer
Tel: 022-66942191

Best Regards
For Shipping Today E-paper (exact replica of the magazine)

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Vacancies for the week: June 16, 2008

Hind Offshore
Class I & II Marine Engineer
Accommodation Barge/Rig Drillship
Masters, Safety Officers, Radio Off, Electrical Eng, Class IV Marine Engineers

Star Maritime Services
Aframax Crude Oil Tanker
Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer
Product/ Chemical Tanker:
Chief Officer, 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, Electrical Off, Pumpman / Fitter, Motorman, AB
Panamax /Handymax Bulk Carrier:
Master, Chief Officer , 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Engineer & Electrical Officer
Tel: +91-022- 67254402

Naavex Marine Services
Offshore Supply Vessel AHTS/ DSV/ WLV:
Masters, Chief Offs, ETO, Jr. ETO, Bosun & Cooks
Tel: +91-022-26736611/ 55

Noha Marine Services
Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer,3rd Officer, Electrical Officer
Tel: +91-022-65167065/ 63

The Great Eastern Shipping Co. Ltd
Suezmax Tankers:
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng
2nd Eng & Electrical Off
LPG Vessel:
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off
3rd Off, Chief Engineer, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, Electrical Off
Crude & Product Tankers:
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off
3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng
3rd Eng, 4th Eng, Electrical Off
Handymax & Capesize:
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off
3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng
3rd Eng, 4th Eng, Electrical Off
Tel: +91-022-66613113

Great Offshore
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, NWKO, Senior DPO, Junior DPO (Off with valid CoC (FG/NCV/CoS), Indian GMDSS can apply.
Chief Eng, 2nd Eng Class IV Eng, Electrical Off, Electronic Off (Officers with MOT/NCV/CoS can apply)
Tel: +91-022-6635244/ 2145/ 2147

Oceanic Venture Shipping Pvt. Ltd
For Gulf Based 34000 Tonner General Cargo
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng, Deck Cadet, Electrician, Cook, GS, UH, Welder, Fitter, Wiper, Bosun, AB, OS, Motorman, Oiler, TME
New Built Product & Chemical Tanker (French Owner)
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off , Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & Electrical Officer, TME, Deck Cadet
For Indian Coast Dredgers, Bulk Carriers, Cointainers
All Ranks (FG / NCV)
Mr. A.L Thomas +91-986934022

Five Star Bulk Carriers Pvt. Ltd
Panamax & Handysize Bulk Carrier:
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Eng, 4th Eng
Tel: +91-022-40004000

Geepee Shipping Agencies Pvt. Ltd
Handy Size & Bulk Carriers:
Chief Off, Chief Eng
2nd Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, 3rd Eng
Panama Flag Vessel:
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & 3rd Eng
Tel: +91-022-22873574/ 77/ 87

Bibby International Services
ForVLCC, Chemica, ROROl:
All ranks requires
DP-I&II(PSV, DSV, AHTSV)Drillships, AHTSV & also Offshore Vessel:
Offshore Fleet Required
Tel: +91-022-26732628

Tanker Pacific Management (India) Pvt. Ltd
Masters, Chief Eng, Chief Offs, 1st Asst. Engs, 2nd Off & 3rd Off (Engs with Steam Ship Exp)
Tel: +91-022- 26515995/ 26415757

Zodiac Maritime Agencies (London)
For Container Vessel:
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Ens, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Asst Engineer, Electrical Off
Bulk Carrier 45vsls(mostly Cape size):
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Asst Engr,
For Car Carrier:
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Ens, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Asst Engineer,
For Chemical Tanker:
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Asst Engineer
Tel: +91-022-26515995/ 6415757

Exmar Shipmanagement India Pvt. Ltd
Ref.LPG Fleet:
2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng,2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng
Electrical Officer
Tel: +91-022-22640226/ 27/ 28

Wallem Shipmanagement Ltd (Hongkong)
Masters, C/O, 2/O, 3/O, C/E, 2/E & E/E
Dry Cargo/ Container/ Bulker/ PCC/ Reefer
Masters, C/O, 2/O, 3/O, C/E, 2/E, E/E & REEFER ENGINEER
Tel: +91-022-40432346

Fleet Management Ltd
Bulk Carrier/ Reefers/ Cellular Cointainer/ RORO Ship/ Chemical/ Gas/Product Tankers
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng, Electrical Off, Gas Eng, Reefer Eng, Chief Cook, Pumpman/ Fitters
Tel: +91-022-67926100

Pentagon Marine Services Pvt. Ltd
Chemical Vessel:
Masters, C/O, 2/O, 3/O, Electrical Officer (for Conventional & Diesel Electric Propulsion Tanker) Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & ELO
Petro Chemical Tankers
C/E, 2/E, 2nd Off, 3/O, E/O, Pumpman, Fitter, AB, Chief Cook, Messman
For Aframax Tanker
Master, Chief Eng & Other Crew
For Bulk Carrier
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, ELO, Fitter (Rank Exp)
For Dredger
Officers of All Ranks
Panama Flag Vessel General Cargo:
Chief Off, 2nd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng, ELO, AB, Oiler
Bunker Supply Vessel:
All Officers / Pumpman
Tel: +91-022-22620094

Cenmar Maritime Agencies
2nd Officer & 2nd Engineer
Tel: +91-022-22022278/ 79

Safe & Sure Marine Services
Marine Superintendent
(Master Mariner)
Tel: +91-9967188886

Dynacom Tankers Management Limited
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, Ad. Chief Off, 3rd Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, 4th Eng, Electrical Off
Tel: 022-2834 7349/ 2834 7294
Crew Management Services (India) Pvt. Ltd
Chemical/ Aframax & Product Tankers
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng (with Petroleum + Chemical DCE)
Panamax Type Geared & Gearless Bulk Carriers & Mega Cointainers
Master, C/O, 2/O, 3/O, C/E, 2/E, 3/E, 4/E, E/O
Mini Bulk Carriers
Master, C/O, 2/O, Radio Off, C/E, 2/E, 3/E
Tel: +91-022-67041250/ 1251

Chellaram Shipping (Hongkong)
Chief Eng, Chief Off, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, Electrical Off
Tel: +91-022-22070035/ 66357345

Vigil Marine Services
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, Electrical Off,
Junior Eng
Naval Architects
VLCC/ Tankers (U.A.E)
Marine Superintendents
Shore Job in Mumbai
2nd Eng, 3rd Eng
Golden Crown Shipping
C/O, 3/O, 3/E
Tel +91-022-6630 3909/ 10

World Tankers Management Pte. Ltd
Oil Tankers
Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, Pumpman, Able Seaman, Oiler
Tel: +91-022-22842860

Orient Ship Management Pvt. Ltd
Tanker & Bulk Carriers
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng & Electrical Off
Tel: +91 – 9322287363

Orient Express Ship Management
LNG Vessel & Chemical Tankers
Masters, Chief Off, 2nd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & 3rd Eng
Container Vessels
Chief Off, 2nd Officer
Tel: +91-022-67536200

Seahorse Ship Agencies
Reefer Vessel
Masters/ Chief Engineers
Large Size Container Vessel
Tel: +91- 022- 22691837

Ofer Ships Management India Pvt. Ltd
Container & Bulk Carriers
Masters, Chief Engs, Chief Offs,1st Asst Eng, 2nd Off, 2nd Asst Eng, 3rd Off, 3rd Asst Eng & Electrical Off
Tel: +91-022-67701461

Oceana Mhatre Ship Management
For Cruise Liner Ship Merchant Navyat I.T.FCo
Electrician, Welder, Plumber, Messboy, Deck & Engine Cadets, Seaman, Oiler, Fitter, Cooks, Utility Boy, Steward, Cooks, Laundry Boy, Barker all categories
Tel: +91 93222 34394/
93239 24126

OCS Services Group
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Off & ELO
FPSO (urgently required)
Chief Off, 2nd Eng (Urgent with Steam COC), 3rd Engineer, Electrician Hvac
Aframax Tanker:
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, 2nd Eng & ELO
Panamax Bulk Carriers:
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off , 3rd Eng & 4th Eng
Master, Chief Eng
Chemical, Oil & Product Tanker:
Master, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, ELO
Tel:+91-022-26744447/ 48/ 49

Product & Aframax Tankers
Masters- 3 Nos (wages upto 9500 USD)
Chief Off- 2 Nos (Wages upto 6900 USD)
Bulk Carriers
Chief Off- 2 Nos (Wages upto 5400 USD)
Tel: +91-022-66950894

IMS Ship Management Pvt. Ltd
Oil/ Chemical Tankers
Masters, Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng, 4th Eng, ETO
Oil Tankers
Masters, Chief Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, ETO
Tel: +91-022-22830415

V Ships
All Ranks
Chemical Tankers
All Ranks (New Yard Building)
Bulk Carriers
2nd Eng & 3rd Eng
Tel: +91-022-40013300/ 3393

Univan Ship Management Ltd
Master, Chief Engineer, Electrical Officer
Suezmax Crude Oil Tankers
Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer
Bulk Carriers
Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Officer, Electrical Officer (With Crane Experience)
Chemical Tankers
Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Engineer, 4th Engineer, Electrical Officer
Tel: +91-022-66888000

d’Amico Ships (India) Pvt. Ltd
Product & Chemical
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & Electrical Off
Bulk Carrier
Master, Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng & Electrical Off
Product & Chemical
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng & Electrical Off
Container Carrier
Chief Off, 2nd Off, 3rd Off, Chief Eng, 2nd Eng, 3rd Eng & Electrical Off
Tel: +91-022-4037 2222/ 2823 4990

Teekay Shipping (India) Pvt. Ltd
Aframax, Crude & Product Tankers
Master, Chief Officer, 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer,
Tel: +91-022- 66324730/ 31/32/33

BW Shipping Managers Pte. Ltd
2nd Off, 2nd Eng (Steam) 2nd Eng (Motor), 3rd Eng (Steam) & 3rd Eng (Motor)/ Crane Operator

NYK Ship Management
Master & Electrical Engineer
Tanker/ Product / Chemical
Chief Off, 2nd Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Eng, 3rd Off & Electrical Eng
Chief Off, 2nd Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Eng & 3rd Off
Pure Car Carrier
Chief Eng, Chief Off, 2nd Eng, 2nd Off, 3rd Eng & 3rd Off
Chief Off, 2nd Eng & Electrical Off
Tel: 022-2839270

Qatar Shipping Company Q.S.C
LPG Tanker Fleet
Master, Chief Engineer, Chief Off & 2nd Eng
Oil/ Product Tanker Fleet
Master, Chief Engineer, Chief Off, 2nd Eng, 3rd Officer, 4th Eng, Electrical Officer
Tel: 022-22696679

Anglo Eastern Ship Mgmt Ltd
Oil/ Chemical/ LPG Carrier
All Officers & Engineers
Tel: 022-66670180

Chevron Manning Service Ltd
Oil & Gas Tanker
2nd Officer, 3rd Officer, 2nd Asst. Engineer, 3rd Asst. Engineer & Electricians
Tel 022- 67515226/ 286/ 232

Seahorse Ship Agencies Pvt. Ltd
Reefer Vessel
Masters & Chief Engineer
Large Size Container Vessel
Tel: 022-226914837

Maersk India Pvt. Ltd
All Ranks
Tel: 022-66538295/ 97

BHN Shipping Co. Pvt. Ltd
Master, Chief Officer, 2nd Officer, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Engineer, Radio Officer, Handler, Electrical Officer, Bosun, AB, Oiler
Tel: 022-40027861

Northern Marine
3rd Engineer, 2nd Officer DPO, Trainee DPO
Tel: 022-67515300

Dockendale Shipping Co.Ltd
General Cargo/ Modern Bulk Carriers
Master, Chief Officer, 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 4th Engineer & Electrical Officer
Tel: 022-66942191

Best Regards
For Shipping Today E-paper (exact replica of the magazine)